is what more people have said about my book:
finished your wonderful book and wanted to tell you how much
I loved it. Your book makes so much sense and it is very simple
to follow. Please continue to write, you are really quite good!!!
I can't wait till your next book is finished so I can read that.
Thank you for making it so simple to read and also very enjoyable.
I will order this book for my friends and family for birthdays,
and hope they will all love it as much as I do.. Please let
me know when your other book will be ready, I will be first
in line to get it. Keep writing.....I believe you have a voice
people need to hear.
Doris Relller HippyChic hippychic2020(at)
is a must read! This is an amazing, enlightening book for the
whole mind-body-spirit. The author presents the material in
a clear, easy to read manner.
Calvanese - Amy(at)
What is my Book? Freedom.
Freeing people from their limitations allowing
you to do whatever you want. Whether that is being healthy,
golf, gardening, sports, thinking clearly, being creative, feeling
good, playing with your grandchildren, being free from medications.
If your body is not able to do what you want,
you cannot do what you want.
The Creator's Manual for Your Body will Free your body. Will
Free your mind. (your mind is part of your body)
Leaving you free to do and be whatever you
You Want to Know How Your Body Can . . .
Give you tons of energy, or leave you sluggish,
tired, and beat
Produce restful peaceful sleep, or have you
tossing and turning
Produce the feeling of peace and serenity,
or stress and chaos
Give you “more time” or make it seem
like there is never enough time
Have you thinking clearly or produce unending
brain fog
Have you being thin or make you overweight
Give you health and well being, or sickness
and disease
Leave you feeling great or aches and pains
Look younger than you really are or look your
true age and older
Have you efficiently producing results, or
busy and not doing enough
Be happy and emotionally poised or angry, sad,
and emotionally unbalanced
What it Does is Up to You
It can be yours more easily than you think.
Your body is really very simple in how it works
and what it wants. The problem is,
everyone is different. And when people give advice they are
usually giving a one type fits all advice. And you then have
to sift through all the contradicting advice and figure out
what works for you.
What your body does for you,
is entirely up to you. When you understand how your body works
and give it what it needs, your body will give you what you
want. If you ignore your body, and do not understand how it
works, your body will give you what you don’t want.
There is a very simple way to know how your
body works and to understand what your body wants. A book called
“The Creator’s Manual for Your Body” does exactly
this, teaches you how your body works and to know what your
body wants. And not just some mass generalized way of giving
everyone the same “to do list”, but teaching you how
to know what works for you. Teaching you how to know what is
best for you and your family. So no matter what new products,
supplements, diets, or anything else that comes onto the market,
you will know what is going to give you the results you want.
Ask not what your body can do for you, but
what you can do for your body. Because then your body will give
you exactly what you want.
To purchase the hardcopy of “The Creator’s
Manual for Your Body” for $14.95 and learn to have your
body give you what it has wanted to give you all along
In the land of large and usually “empty”
promises how can you know if this book will really do this?
You won’t until you read it. But I am so absolutely positive
this book will give you everything you need that if it doesn’t
I will give you double your money back. That is how sure I am
this book will make a real difference for you and your family.