Thank you
Dr. Jamie |
Want to Help Give You
Dear Friend, You see, I have a dilemma. You want what I have to offer but you may not know it yet. If you knew I could really help give you what I am offering, you would want it. And when I tell you what I can offer you it often "sounds to good to be true". What are all these people talking about? All I am offering you is a 256 page paperback book. It is what this book can do for you and your family that is so powerful. It is what this book can do for you that people sometimes believe is too good to be true. So I am giving you the chance to look at the book yourself FREE for 7 days . . . But what can this book and I do for you? I want to help you. I want to help give you your freedom like I have helped give so many others. What I need from you to do that is your trust and time. I know your time is your most valuable asset. All I am asking for is a couple minutes of your time. I want to show you how I can give you what you want even if you didn't know you were looking for it. What I have to offer you is Freedom Freedom to do everything you want in life without limits or borders Whatever that want may be |
is a must read! This is an amazing, enlightening book for the whole
A "must read" for anyone who has ever considered following a medical doctors advice. Monica Watkins |
Anyone who is serious about living in freedom and total
health must read this book now. Dr. Jamie's insights are powerful
and easy to follow. In a time when the limitations of your body and disease
are so rampant in our society, the key is a fresh new look at the real
problems and more vitally, the solutions. Dr. Jamie's book delivers!
-- |
Your body limits you every day and you just happily accept it. If you have arthritis your body can limit your ability to use your hands, go for a walk, stand up and even take care of yourself If you have migraines you become a prisoner in your own home If you have menstrual cramps the pain can be unbearable and limit your freedom If you are not happy or moody it will make a negative impact on your relationships If you have back pain it can limit your ability to play golf, garden, play with your kids or anything you love. If you have pain anywhere it can keep you from doing what you want and love to do If you are stressed it can limit your ability to be peaceful and happy If you have brain fog it can limit your ability to think and make decisions If you are tired or don't have enough energy you will be a slave to your couch If your memory is not as good as you want it limits your advancement and opportunity If you have allergies you are limited in where you can go, do or eat. Your Freedom does not have to be limited like this. Your Body has the ability to be perfect and do everything you want it to do. Your body can continually give you freedom even as you "grow older" I give you freedom by teaching you how to follow your inner knowing You do not have to believe me. You do not have to listen to me. You will know for yourself the truth about being healthy. |
Meaty, juicy information delivered in a simple way. Although it resonates truth, And even though it is simple, it's hard to believe it could be so simple. -- Adrienne Matt
I finished your wonderful book and wanted to tell you how much I loved it. Your book makes so much sense and it is very simple to follow. Please continue to write, you are really quite good!!! I can't wait till your next book is finished so I can read that. Thank you for making it so simple to read and also very enjoyable. I will order this book for my friends and family for birthdays, and hope they will all love it as much as I do.. Please let me know when your other books are ready, I will be first in line to get them. Keep writing.....I believe you have a voice people need to hear. Sincerely, -- Doris Reller |
Peter Divinyi, MD Dr. Jamie, I read it through the whole night (mean literally) and my inner knowing told that it was perhaps one of the most important books I've ever read. The thoughts in it resonated deeply in my being with all what I knew, guessed and felt related to health and cure and care. I am a Hungarian MD, 48 years old, a used-to-be surgeon for 13 years. During the whole night I read with joy and cheer the "Manual" I felt it has been written and told by my spiritual "brother". I recognized the ideas, some of them I discussed with many of my friends openly, some of them I guessed and some of them were not even put into shape in my thoughts. But all of them were as good old friends, some seen yesterday some ages ago. As I finished the book at about 5 a.m. Finally this inner
voice told me that I have to search on finding out what health is and
how can I contribute to my brethren's health without cutting them apart
and trying to put them together again. So thanks a lot for your gift,
the precious script and for making it accessible. Best wishes for You
and all Your Loved |
I don't tell you what to do. I don't say eat this, or don't eat that. In fact most of adding to your health has very little to do with what you eat. When you begin following the knowing that comes from within, that created you from two half cells, health becomes a natural expression and very little effort is needed. Your inner knowing is more intelligent than your conscious mind, more intelligent than your non-conscious mind. Your inner knowing has the power to set you free. There are no symptoms or disease your body cannot heal. If you are willing to do what it takes and be healthy and add to your health. This book can help you heal your symptoms and disease.
Any symptom you have, any disease you have your body can heal. And it doesn't matter what the diagnosis is. I can say this with certainty because every disease known to man has been healed in at least one person. Which means it can heal in you. I don't care what the medical doctors say. It is just a matter of if you are willing to do what it takes. I can also say this with certainty because health, symptoms and disease are not exactly as most people think. Let me explain. Nature works mostly on the principle of thing and no thing. Light is the thing and darkness is the absence of light. Sound is the thing and silence is the absence of sound. Health is the thing, and symptoms and disease are the absence of health. But some time back they got mixed up. Somehow symptoms and disease became the thing and people falsely thought that once you treated away the symptoms and disease, you would be left with health. |
recommend this book to anyone who wants to feel good now and forever!
I was fortunate enough to be able to read Dr. Jamie Fettig's book electronically. As a conventional and alternative Health care provider, I would like to recommend that this book is made available to the whole Planet Earth and that you will promote it. This is a very seriously needed and open-minded book This book is a very amazing work of facts not known to most people. Unless Mankind changes its consciousness as described in this book "The Creators Manual for Your Body" people will remain ill and very miserable which is not at all necessary. I would recommend 5 Stars in Gold for this GREAT Book. - Thank you Munawaroh English - Australia |
If there are shadows or darkness in a room, the only way to get light in the room is by turning on the light. No matter how many ways you can measure and quantify shadows, you cannot sweep them under a rug, cut them out of the room, or invent some chemical to get rid of the shadow. The only thing you can do is turn on the light. Health is the thing. And no matter how many ways you can measure and quantify symptoms and disease, the only way to be healthy is to add to your health. You can treat your symptoms and disease all day long and you will never be left with health. In my
book I show you how to do what no one else I know of has ever done.
Up until now all anyone has ever done is treat symptoms and disease. Whether it was with medicine, chiropractic, herbs, surgery, vitamins, therapy or drugs. Every one has only tried to treat away symptoms and disease and hope you are left with health. You can treat symptoms and disease with medicine, herbs, supplements, chiropractic, surgery or anything and until you add to your health, you will not be healthier. I show you how to simply add to your health. The other
thing that makes my book different is I understand that health starts with how you think. If it were about what you "do" everyone would be healthy. I help to shape your thinking. When you are thinking different, health is a natural expression of the new thoughts. If you think that hitting yourself on the head with a hammer helps make you happy, you will hit yourself on the head with a hammer when you want to be happy. Then wonder why your head hurts. I help clear up your thinking so that you quit hitting yourself on the head with a hammer. Your body has made you a prisoner and you probably don't even know it. Have you ever said
Your Body Limits you Every Day and you happily accept and just put up with it. What is it that your body limits you from doing? How does your body limit your freedom? How does your body limit your happiness? Wouldn't it be great to be totally free in life? My book helps you do that by being free of the limitations and constraints of your body. My book is "The Creator's Manual for Your Body." It is literally the manual that teaches you how to get your body to work for you. How to get your body to set you free for life. Imagine having the freedom to do everything you want with out your body ever stopping you. Now you see what I mean by it starting to sound "to good to be true" Freedom and all of its benefits are huge and far reaching.
Derek H.
Spark, M.D. CBP Sylmar, CA Dear Dr. Jamie This is to let you know how much I enjoyed your new book "The Creator's Manual For Your Body", an extremely apt and truthful title. And I like the way you remind readers repeatedly that everyone is different, and that you are completely unafraid to talk about god in a simple and straightforward way. Your approach is deep and thorough, your material well researched and you give copious references. Your writing style is enthusiastic and you impart your wisdom in a frankly inspiring manner. Each chapter is patiently, gently and well thought out, with superb analogues and illustrative stories. Your disclaimer is unique and unusual, indicating you are not afraid to take on the powers that be. I like your application of quantum physics, and your emphasis on consciousness. Your book is especially helpful in providing explicit instructions as to how anyone can accomplish wellness and health, if they so choose. Having devoted my life to the traditional medical profession I accept your assessment as quite valid. Most sincerely,
-- |
a better relationship to your health? - READ THIS BOOK! Dani Gallet danigallet (at)
Hi Jamie |
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I have read dozens
of books about health, nutrition and exercise and still had not found
one I could put into use and live with. Dr. Jamie's book is a refreshing
change. It proposes a simple plan that brought me certainty where there
was confusion, and is easy to stay with. Dave
The most important book about your health and well-being, March 25, 2005 Reviewer: Heidi Indrawan (Indonesia) - See all my reviews With all of the books lately about new fad diets, new approaches for health, etc... this is the ONLY book I have read that truly makes sense. Dr. Fettig has simplified for everyone the 100% effective method for living,feeling, and being our very best. For anyone who wants to be free of dependence upon the medical system and is ready to learn how easy it is to be well on our own, this book is a MUST READ! I think if everyone in the world were to read this, we would be much better off. Heidi Indrawan, RN, CMT, BNH |
Here’s How It Works... When you click on the order button below, you'll go to my secure order page for your information (You can also order by mail, fax, phone or PayPal if you choose). When you use my secure credit card you can download the book immediately as an Adobe Acrobat PDF file. Your transaction is secure—using our secure server, your order information is transmitted using the latest SSL encryption technology to ensure complete and total privacy and security. The transaction will be billed to you as 'Bazuji Publishing LLC'. The whole process takes just a few minutes and you'll be reading your book in about 5 minutes. When you get the book, scan it a couple of times and read the parts that jump out at you right away—then go back and read it cover to cover. You'll notice a difference right away, and it will encourage you to try some of the other ideas. Whatever happens, you will see why this book is more than I can share. So to Recap
Let me ask you this: What if this knowledge helps you avoid just one doctor visit? Just ONE. What would that be worth to you? Imagine doing what you love, but right now you cannot. Imagine not being limited in how often or long you can do it? What if your body didn't limit you anymore? What if you were Free to do what you love? Now ask yourself: What if there's even a chance that this book can actually teach you and your family how be free and healthy for life? What if you really can learn how to easily avoid all those costly doctor visits and lower your health insurance premiums? What if you could get this part of your life handled for good? How much would that be worth to you? A thousand dollars? Ten thousand? More? For most people I know, it would be priceless. Just the POSSIBILITY of having this kind of success with your freedom and health would be worth the investment. I personally invested over ten years and literally hundreds of thousands of dollars to learn how to help you be successful with your Freedom and Health. I wish that I would have been able to buy this knowledge, insight and experience for $12 when I started. And I know that you'll be glad you made the investment in yourself once you have your first success after reading it. Unless you change something this much is for sure: For the rest of your life you're going to have days you wish your body was not limiting you in some way. How do I know? Because you have days like that now. And if you do your life the same way as you always have it is crazy to think it would be any different. Or you're going to be somewhere, want to do something and think only if my _________ wasn't acting up or getting in the way. The question is, are you going to know exactly what to think, do and be to succeed? Or are you going to let each of these opportunities slip by and never know what might have happened? I have one final thought to share with you. After studying people, freedom and health for many years, I know one thing: If you don't make the decision to get this part of your life handled right now, there's a very very small chance that you're going to do anything about it in the future. You know how they say that you can't tell someone how to get somewhere unless you've been there yourself? Well I've been there, and I'm going to show you the way. Think about it... |
Hello Dr. Jamie Fettig, Just like to let you know that yesterday I finished reading your book and I really like it very much you did a great work, I admire it. It is not my first book on health but is one of the best. I definitely like your ideas and the facts about the medical establishment. It is a shame but who has the big money has the power. I am 67 and still in good shape, thanks this kind of information I started to get about 15 years ago. I am practicing prevention, adding to my health and it works well and I'll be able to improve it thanks your book. It's for me a great motivation. I purchased two books and gave one to my daughter as a birthday present. She is a certified massage therapist practicing Ayurveda medicine and doesn't go like me to the establishment doctors. I am sure she'll like it too. I also gave your Web site address to one of my neighbors and she will order two books there. Thanks again. Best regards,
Tony Dvorak Antonin Dvorak |
healthy change, The Creators Manual for your Body is a well rounded introduction
to being at one with the harmonious flow of the universe. It is written
with pure elegance yet very simple for all people to readily understand.
I truly enjoyed the book and feel it has so much vast importance that
I have also made several purchases for family,friends,and patients. I
give this book and the author immense credibility in the truth that surrounds
our health care systems today. I strongly suggest this book to all people.
This is a wonderful book that is easy to read and helps you get your health and life back on track once you are committed to doing so. - Lori Johnson |
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Courage Daniel R. Hardt "the numbersman" |
If you have any questions about this Book just send an email to dr (at) and I'll get right back to you with an answer. Wishing you success with Your Freedom, P.S. I share with you how to know for Yourself what is right for you. I help people like you every day win back their freedom and I know I can help you too. Remember, you have a 100% satisfaction guarantee - if you're not happy, YOU DON'T PAY. This is truly a 100% risk- free offer. P.P.S. There
are really only two types of people who do not like this book:
And Here Are Some Samples For You To Read... (so you can get an idea of the style and content). Just click the blue hyperlinks to read them (A new browser window will open up):
Wisdom The author felt that he was divinely inspired to write this book and it shows. The book is really a very "common sense" approach to health and wellness. The problem is, what should be common sense to most of us has been buried and forgotten through modern medical practices and long held myths about how we approach our own personal health. This book cuts through much of the clutter of the "natural health" scene and makes it very obvious why everyone should be practicing "natural" health...because it's "natural". The way God (nature, whatever you choose to call it) intended it. The only way to true happiness and harmony in this life is through development of a deeper understanding of our own body, mind and spirit (exactly what every religious text has told us for thousands of years), and this book is a very good starting point to help you down that path. Good luck and enjoy! -- Kevin Jones |
January 3, 2005: The first day of the rest of my life. My whole life was based on eating whatever I wanted, whenever I wanted. Then I changed that. To be honest with you, week one - three was not pleasant. But, in the first week alone I lost 9 pounds. After the 3rd week I felt great. I used to have to come home after work and take a 1-2 hour nap every day because I was exhausted. Since I started this I have not once came home from work and taken a nap. I am not tired and have tons of energy. I have had people at work comment about my never being tired and always so full of energy. It has been about 11 weeks since I decided to change my life and be healthy and I have already lost 32 pounds. I am so proud of this because I know that I didn't do it with some fad diet, I did it by changing my lifestyle and eating healthy. When people ask me what this "diet" is called, I tell isn't a diet, it is a Non-Diet. I also tell them about Dr. Jamie Fettig. So many people say "I can't give up sugar," and about 4 months ago I would have been one of them too, but not anymore. Changing my life in this manor has been remarkably easy. Especially when compared to all the wasted energy, effort and time it took not to be healthy it is definitely way easier to change. I don't miss anything that I used to eat because I know that if I really want something there is probably a healthy version of it out there, I just need to use my imagination and resources to find it. Another huge change is that I have not been sick once. Sometimes it is difficult to say no the cakes and cookies. Do I know that they probably taste better than my banana or apple, yes...but I also know that by saying no to the sugar that in the long run it is going to be even better. I know that the 3 minutes of instant gratification I get when I eat something bad for me isn't even close to the long term gratification I get for the rest of my life for healthful living. Steph Weigel -- weigelsteph (at) ![]() |
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